About Us

This site is designed to Sharpei's in distress. Here you can also talk about your Sharpei or ask for advice.

What we want to achieve with this site? 
 1. We want to raise as much money for sharpei in need.
 2. We hope as many Sharpei's to relocate.
 3. We want sharpei lovers get together.
 4. We want to share the love of the breed.

Each month there will be an update on money raised.

We do not accept when people start flamming or bashing, if this happens then you will be removed. We let people in their value, let's face it the sharpei is central here. Private quarrels must be fought, not on the internet. But wats even better is dont fight at all!!

People behind this site..

Admin: Buck Pei,, Petra Demoet.  
Admin: Sue Doyle                        
Admin: Esther Tielens.            
Admin: Carol Webb McClain        


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